Reconciliation periods

When data has been imported into Period & Year, the start page will show all periods of all financial years that have been imported according to selected reconciliation period when the client was created.

It is possible to change reconciliation period when working with period closing in Period & Year.

Read more about Change reconciliation period.

The period that you are currently working with can be seen on all views in Period & Year, in the top right corner of the page.

Lock periods

When you have completed the reconciliation of a period, you lock it on the start page.

A period must be locked before you can start working with the next period.

It is possible to add data to a period that is not yet started, such as an external appendix, however you cannot add amounts.

If you need to add more information to a period that is already locked, it can be unlocked temporarily. The next period will then be paused, so that you only work in one period at a time. You can add external appendices and add accounts to appendices in a paused period, but you cannot add amounts.

You can always view locked periods. If a period is locked, the checks will not be run for this period, so the results of the checks will remain the same.

Last modified September 19, 2024