Overview, analysis IS
Analysis IS - Overview is located under both Period closing and Year-end closing.
The overview in the view Analysis IS shows the income statement with data up to and including the period that is selected on the start page. It compares the figures for the current financial year with the equivalent figures from the previous financial year, and shows the difference as a percentage.
A difference that has a positive effect on the profit/loss is shown in green, and a difference that has a negative effect on the profit/loss is shown in red.
The applicable auto checks are also be visible in this view.
Expand the level of detail in the Analysis IS
You can expand the level of detail in Analysis IS - Overview by drilling down to the journal entries recorded on the accounts.
Amounts that are available for drill-down are underlined and will change their colour to blue when you hover over them in the overview. Click on an amount available for drill-down to open a dialogue named Account analysis, which displays all the journal entries attached to that specific account.
In Account analysis, the opening balance for the selected account and period is shown above the journal entry list, while the closing balance for the selected account and period is displayed at the bottom of the list.
The journal entry list contains entry date and number, along with the current change, the closing balance after each journal entry and a transaction text.
From within Account analysis, it is possible to select a different account in the account selector in the top left. You can also adjust the period displayed in the period selector in the top right.
Click on the arrow next to a journal entry in the list to expand it and display a more detailed view of that particular entry. This view contains the debit and credit accounts, the booked amounts and the transaction text.
View documents in the account analysis
To view an attachment to a journal entry in the account analysis, click on the paper clip icon in the Documentation column. Choose which document you want to preview in the dialogue box that opens.
In the preview window, you can download the attached document by clicking on the Download button and then easily drag it into an external document. It is also possible to create a new external documentation, to which the document is automatically linked by selecting Add to document in viewing mode.
Field explanations
- Documentation
If an account or an account group has a document linked to it, the paper clip icon in this column will be blue, otherwise it will be grey. When you click on a grey paper clip icon you are able to go directly to the main documentation for that account or account group, or add a document.
To add a document, click on the paper clip icon, select Add documentation and choose which appendix you want to add.
When you have selected an appendix and click on Add you are redirected to the view Documentation and can continue to work with the document as usual. If you add a documentation to an account, that account will automatically be added to the document that is created. No account will be added if you add a document to an account group.
When you click on a blue paper clip icon, a list of all the documentation linked to that account is shown, as well as the link to the main document.
- Auto checks
This column shows the result of the automated checks that have been run.
A red icon indicates that the check has found something. When you click on the icon you will get more detailed information.
An orange icon indicates that the check could not run. An example of this is that the check is supposed to compare previous periods, but there are no previous periods imported into Period & Year.
A green icon indicates that a check has been run, but nothing was found.
Divergent check results can be marked as done using the button Mark check as done. When you mark a check result as done, the icon changes its appearance and becomes grey with a green check mark in the lower right corner.
You only need to mark a check result as done once, which means that if you mark a check result for an account in the reconciliation BS as done, the same check check result will also be marked as done in Transaction analysis.
If a check result no longer is up to date due to a subsequent change, it will lose its status as done and the icon changes its appearance to indicate that the result needs to be updated.
Read more in Auto checks.
- Checklist status
This column indicates the status of the task list for that account.
A grey icon indicates that no tasks have been marked as done, a blue icon indicates that some tasks have been marked as done, and a green icon indicates that all tasks are marked as done. The icon is also a short cut to the tab Checklist. Hover over the icon to see how many tasks are completed.
- Done
When you have finished reconciling an account you mark it as Done. If you mark an account group as done, all accounts belonging to that account will be marked as done.
- Quality assurance
The functionality for internal quality assurance, available in the QA column, provides support when documenting the quality assurance done at your accounting office.
After reviewing the work done on an account or account group, the person who is the quality assurer can log in and go to the column QA in the right and click on the icon to change the status of the account or account group. There are two choices available: Approved and Not approved. To revert the status of an account or account group, select Reset status.
When you select Approved for an account or account group, its status icon in the QA column turns green. Hover over the icon to display the date and the time for the approval, along with the quality reviewer’s name. If the quality reviewer has been deleted from the accounting office, they will be displayed as Unknown user.
When you select Not approved for an account or account group, the status icon in the QA column turns orange and you will be able to add a comment. Hover over the icon to display the date and the time for when the status was set, along with the quality reviewer’s name. If a comment was entered, this will be displayed in the side panel.
When you select Reset status, the status icon in the QA column turns grey and returns to its original value.