Cash flow

A cash flow statement is a financial report that provides an overview of the company's cash movements during a specific time period. It provides information about the company's liquidity, and its ability to meet short-term obligations and cover current expenses. Large companies must include cash flow statement as part of the annual report.

In the Cash flow area, you will find an automatically calculated cash flow statement based on figures from the accounts.

Cash flow and Variables are shown on the left side of the page.

Each individual line in the cash flow statement can be expanded to see in more detail the underlying values. In addition, a line with open fields is displayed where you can add information and values that the system does not take into account automatically. In addition, a line with open fields is displayed where you can add information and values that the system does not take into account automatically, if applicable.

Values entered in the manual fields are included in the main line of the cash flow statement.

Variables are shown on the left side of the page with a right side where values can be entered manually. This is applicable, for example, in cases where the company has realized operating assets or taken out new loans during the year. Values entered in the manual fields are included in the cash flow statement.

Note references

You can add note references to cashflow lines by selecting one or multiple notes at the bottom of the page.

Last modified December 13, 2024