Financial statements

In the area Financial statement, you will find the sections Income statement, Assets as well as Equity and liabilities on the left-hand side. Mark the relevant part of the financial statement on the left side and the layout of the relevant part of the financial statement is displayed on the right side.

It is possible to expand the layout by starting from an existing accounting line. This is done by clicking on the menu icon that appears when you hold the cursor over the field and select Copy.

For example, if you want to split Revenue into "Revenu cars" and "Auto repair shop", you can first copy the accounting line Revenue, edit the line text to "Auto repair shop" and then click on the arrow in front of the relevant account to push the account over to the newly created accounting line "Auto repair shop".

You can also change the order of accounting lines within a template line, for example within the template line Revenue.

  1. Click on the menu icon that appears when you hold the cursor over the field.
  2. Select Move up or Move down depending on which accounting line you are on.

You can also choose to delete an accounting line that you have previously created. This is done by clicking on the menu icon that appears when you hold the cursor over the field and selecting Delete.

If you want an accounting line to always be visible in the layout, despite the fact that the balance is 0 on accounts linked to the accounting line in question, you can click on the menu icon that appears when you hold the cursor over the field and select Show always.

Last modified September 12, 2024