
In Year-end closing - Annual report - Notes, you will find a proposal of notes that can be filled out for the company. The system generates notes that are required for small businesses in accordance with the law's minimum requirements, cf. amendment to the Accounting Act with effect from 01.07.2021. Some notes are required and some are generated based on registered values on reference accounts.

When creating a new client, the system defaults Small businesses in the field for which rules are used when preparing the annual report. Notes for small businesses will therefore be visible under the Notes area.

To change this setting go to Year-end closing - Information and tax - Client information.

If General rules of the Accounting Act or if one of the other types of companies has been checked, notes for small companies will still be visible under Notes, but there will also be some special notes that may be relevant for large and other companies. These special notes will then appear under Add - Numbered note.

Since there are no machine-readable notes for large and other companies, you have the option to delete all notes, unlike some notes for small companies which are mandatory and machine-readable. The note information to be given in the annual report must be assessed individually for each individual company.

Numbered note information for items in the balance sheet and income statement is presented in the same order as the items in the balance sheet and income statement.

Notes that do not have a reference to a specific accounting line are created as unnumbered notes and presented before numbered notes. Examples of unnumbered notes are Accounting principles and Uncertainty about continued operations.

If needed, you can add notes that are not generated automatically by the system, by clicking on the button Add new on the lower left in the menu. You can choose between Introductory (unnumbered), Numbered note or Closing (unnumbered).

Override note headings

You can override all default note headings by selecting Edit.

You can delete a note by clicking on Delete at the bottom of the page.

Gray fields contain system-generated values. You can change the value of a system-generated field by clicking on the menu icon that appears when you hold the cursor over the field. Select Override. Overridden fields change colours from grey to yellow. To restore the value, hold the cursor over the field again, click on the menu icon and select Reset.

In white fields, enter values manually.

If you want to know which accounts are included in fields with system-generated values, you can click on the menu icon that appears when you hold the cursor over the field and select Show accounts.

Under Note reference in income statement/balance sheet at the bottom of the screen of each note, you see which accounting lines the note is linked to. Here you also see the value on the accounting line in the annual report so that you can easily compare with the total value in the note where applicable. The value field in the note reference section is displayed with the same sign as the presentation in the annual report.

Note references can be edited and you can add or remove references. Start typing in the text field to search for an accounting line to which you want to refer the note to. Click on the add- or remove symbol to add more references or to remove references.

The notes Regnskapsprinsipper and Manuell note can be edited and built up with the text editor functionality. You can create/edit tables, change texts and insert various variables that will contribute to more automation in the manual note.

Last modified December 13, 2024