Checklists & comments

Work with checklists and create new/view/delete or reply to a comment.

The checklist and the functionality for adding comments to accounts and account groups are located in the side panel, which is accessed by clicking on the comment icon in the upper right. You can work with checklists and comments under Reconciliation BS and Analysis IS.

Click on the tabs at the top of the side panel to switch between the two features.

When you click on the comment or the checklist icon in the overview, the side panel opens and you are automatically transferred to the right tab.

It is also possible to add comments to check results in the Check results dialogue.


The checklist helps you to document the work you have done. Under the tab Checklist in the side panel, the task list for the account group that is selected in the overview is shown. You can also open the checklist by clicking on the checklist icon in the overview.

To add a comment to a task, click on the row or on the comment icon in the Actions column and enter your comment. See the Comments section below for further information on how to add, edit and delete comments.

To mark a task as done, click on the check mark in the Actions column. Click on the check mark again to undo this action. When a task has been marked as done, the column Checklist status will be updated in the overview.

A task can be marked as N/A, which means that it is not applicable for this period. The marking will be removed when you start the next period.

You can modify the checklist to show only the tasks you want. Click on Edit checklist in the bottom of the side panel to do this. In this view, you can choose which tasks are active and if you want them active only for the period reconciliation, year-end reconciliation or both.

You can add your own tasks to the checklist. This is also done in the Edit checklist view. The tasks you add yourself can be activated and deactivated in the same way as the standard tasks, and can also be deleted. The tasks that you have added yourself have a blue icon in the task list so that they can be easily identified.


Adding comments to accounts and account groups is also handled via the side panel - either by selecting the tab Comments in the side panel or by clicking on the comment icon in the overview. Comments can also be added to check results in the Check results dialogue.

Comments are commonly entered in the current reconciliation period for documentation purposes, but it is also possible to add comments in future, not yet started periods to be used as reminders. You can also see comments from previous periods, 12 months back in time.

You can also tag your comments with To customer and/or To QA. If you do that, you can then make a selection on these in the Report centre or by clicking View all comments in the side panel. From the View all comments dialogue you can create a PDF or copy the information.

Read more in the topic Create new comment.

Last modified September 19, 2024