Create new comment

You can create comments under Period closing and Year-end closing when working with Reconciliation BS or Analysis IS.

  1. Select the account row or account group row that you wish to add a comment to.
  2. Click on the comment icon in the column Comments or click on the comment icon in the upper right to open the side panel.
  3. Enter the comment in the text box.
  4. Tag the comment with To customer and/or To QA if you want to be able to make a selection of these in the Report center.
  5. Save the comment by pressing Enter or clicking outside the text box.

The comment is saved in the selected reconciliation period along with the name of the person who wrote it and the date it was saved. It will be displayed in the side panel next time it is opened and the account or account group for which it was written is selected. When an account group is selected not only the comments connected to the account group itself are displayed, but also any comments added to the accounts that belong to the account group.

When a comment has been added to an account or account group, the comment icon turns blue for that particular account or account group.

If you want to see a summary of your comments, you click View all comments. Read more in the topic View comments.

Last modified September 19, 2024