Financial statements

Income statement and balance sheet for period- or year-end closing.

Financial statements is located under both Period closing and Year-end closing.

The view Financial statements shows the Income statement and Balance sheet with all the updated accounting data from the reconciliation of the accounts.

The data that is shown in this view is the same that is included when you create a PDF file in Report center in Period & Year.

If the result for the period or year you are working on is yet to be booked, then a new row called Calculated profit/loss (not bookkept) will show in Financial statement - Balance sheet to avoid differences between Total assets and Total equity and liabilities. The value shown in this row will be included in Total equity and liabilities.

If you have unbooked profit or loss and mark the balance sheet for preview or select Download PDF in Report center, then the row Calculated profit/loss (not bookkept) will also show in the preview or the downloaded PDF.

Expand the level of detail in the Financial statements

You can expand the level of detail in Financial statements by drilling down to the journal entries recorded on the accounts.

Amounts that are available for drill-down are underlined and will change their colour to blue when you hover over them in the overview. Click on an amount available for drill-down to open a dialogue named Account analysis, which displays all the journal entries attached to that specific account.

In Account analysis, the opening balance for the selected account and period is shown above the journal entry list, while the closing balance for the selected account and period is displayed at the bottom of the list.

The journal entry list contains entry date and number, along with the current change, the closing balance after each journal entry and a transaction text.

From within Account analysis, it is possible to select a different account in the account selector in the top left. You can also adjust the period displayed in the period selector in the top right.

Click on the arrow next to a journal entry in the list to expand it and display a more detailed view of that particular entry. This view contains the debit and credit accounts, the booked amounts and the transaction text.

View attachments in the account analysis

To view an attachment to a journal entry in the account analysis, click on the paper clip icon in the Attachments column. Choose which document you want to preview in the dialogue box that opens.

In the preview window, you can download the attached document by clicking on the Download button and then easily drag it into an external appendix. It is also possible to create a new external appendix, to which the document is automatically linked by selecting Add to appendix in viewing mode.

Roundings in Financial statement

When the Financial statement is transferred to the Annual report, roundings are handled as follows:

  • Each row (account group) in the Financial statement is calculated with decimals and rounded separately.
  • Up to 0,49 is rounded down, while 0,50 and up to 0,99 is rounded up.
  • If the value is negative, -0,50 and down to -0,99 is rounded down, while -0,49 and up to -0,01 is rounded up.

The total sums are calculated and rounded separately (and are not sums of the already rounded subtotals).

Alternate placement of accounts

Depending on whether they have a credit or a debit balance, certain accounts will be placed as either assets or liabilities in Year-end closing - Financial statements - Balance sheet.

Those of the company's accounts that are connected to any of the reference accounts listed below, will automatically get this alternate placement in the balance sheet by default.

You can update these settings under Maintenance - Chart of accounts by selecting the pen icon for the corresponding row, select the Alternative reference account checkbox and set the desired account.

Account Account name Alternative reference account Account name
1920 Bankinskudd 2380 Kassakreditt
2510 Betalbar skatt, fastsatt 1576 Fordring på skatt
2740 Oppgjørskonto merverdiavgift 1579 Tilgode mervediavgift
2380 Kassakreditt 1920 Bankinskudd
1576 Fordring på skatt 2510 Betalbar skatt, fastsatt
1579 Tilgode mervediavgift 2740 Oppgjørskonto merverdiavgift
Last modified September 12, 2024