Group contribution

Group contribution should be completed and submitted with the new tax return for businesses. for companies that receive and give group contributions.

Follow the steps below to create group contributions.

  1. Click the New group contribution icon in the upper right corner of the page to create a new group contribution.
  2. Select type of group contribution: Received group contribution or Give group contribution. An entry is created in a separate tab.
  3. Fill in the relevant fields under Company Information, and enter the Affiliation and Treatment rule for the group contribution. Register the specific group contribution in fields with or without tax effect.

On basis of the chosen affiliation and treatment rule, will Period & Year create an automatic system voucher for the group contribution.

You can delete a group contribution by clicking the Delete group contribution bottom of each tab.

The first tab shows an Overviewof created group contributions, grouped by whether the group contribution has been received or given.

See the previous guidelines to RF-1206 Group contribution or Items, fields and subjects in new tax return for businesses for more information.

Last modified September 12, 2024