
This is were reconciliations of fixed assets, equity and wealth are shown. Reconciliation of fixed assets, equity and wealth is intended as a tool for the user to clarify any differences. The listings in the reconciliation models are not exhaustive. The user can therefore add information in a manual field if needed, both in reconciliation fixed assets, equity and reconciliation wealth.

If an error situation occur this will be visualized with an informative icon on the Checks menu and on the left side for each section with deviation. Altinn checks and Reconciliation runs continuously while you work in Year-end closing.

The following icons can be displayed:

- used to inform you, for example if you are currently not logged in to Altinn/Tax Administration.

- Indicates differences in the reconciliations.

- Indicates invalid Altinn checks that needs to be fixed before you are able to submit as complete shipment.

Read more about: Complete shipment.

Last modified September 12, 2024