Third party data

Third party data is used for prefill in the tax return and should be submitted to the Tax administration.

In Information - Additional information you will find pages for registration of,

  • Minding and care of children

  • Donations to certain voluntary organization etc.

  • Payments to self-employed persons

Third party data for Condominium flat owner and Housing cooperative can be found in Housing.

Import third party data from excel

Click on the Import tasks from excel –icon in the upper right corner to start the import wizard. The import requires the information to be in a specific format. A template can be downloaded from the dialog.

  1. Drop or browse for the excel file you want to import (*.xlsx or *.xls).
  2. Select Replace or add content.
  3. Click Next to load and validate data.
  4. Select the rows you would like to import and click Import.
  1. Click Close to return to the main page.

Address information will be used for distribution but is not sent to the Tax administration and therefore not mandatory. Click on Generate PDF to download information letter. Generated PDF files are downloaded according to the default download space in your browser settings.

Lists with registered data can be found in Reports.

Read more about Third party data.

Last modified September 19, 2024