Credit deduction

Credit deductions can be claimed by companies that are considered tax-resident in Norway according to Norwegian law and tax treaty.

If the company has income or assets abroad - and are taxed both in Norway and abroad, a deduction can be claimed in Norwegian equalized tax for the tax part paid abroad.

The credit deduction is limited to the lowest of;

  • The calculated Norwegian tax on the total foreign income and/or foreign assets

  • The amount that is actually paid in tax abroad in the same income year as the income/wealth is taxable in Norway

Credit deductions are distributed among the following categories;

  • Income from NOKUS/low tax countries

  • Other foreign income

  • Other - including deductions in Norwegian tax when taxation of dividends etc. from foreign subsidiaries

A separate tab has been created for each of these categories in the system.

Select 'Credit deduction abroad' in Client information to see Credit deduction in Basic values.

In the tax return, information must be filled in that shows that the company is entitled to a credit deduction. This is done in Information and tax -Information - Credit deductions.

See Items, fields and topics in the new tax return for businesses for more information.

Last modified September 12, 2024