Hydroelectric plants

In Year-end closing - Information and tax - Information - Basis values ​​- you will find the work area for Hydroelectric plant. The area is activated by selecting 'Hydroelectric plant' from Edit feature areas.

On clients imported in 2023 from Altinn, Finale Årsoppgjør or Total Årsoppgjør, activation will be done automatically if there is a power plant in tax form RF-1151.

Import from Altinn, Finale Årsoppgjør or Total Årsoppgjør for the income year 2022

For the income year 2023, imports of historical data for income year 2022 can be made from either Altinn, Finale Årsoppgjør or Total Årsoppgjør.

Please note that imports will not be able to specify the correct type of fixed asset for special fixed assets in power plants, but use the lifetime (67 years / 40 years) to select a type that has the same lifetime (power station (67 years) or mechanical equipment (40 years) This must be changed manually to the correct type. This is done by registering the change directly on the individual fixed asset.

The area consists of the following registration pages that have conditions that specially apply to hydroelectric plants:

  • Hydroelectric plant

  • Separate fixed assets in power plants

  • Acquisitions of separate fixed assets

  • Separate fixed assets under construction

  • Taxable depreciations in power plants

    Note that these area requires logging in with an active connection to the tax authorities.

Reference account codes specifically for power companies

Here is a list of account codes that are specific to power companies

  • 1117 Electrotechnical equipment in power companies (balance group g)

  • 1118 Separate fixed assets in power plants under construction

  • 1119 Separate fixed assets in power plants

  • 1218 Separate fixed assets in power plants under construction

  • 1219 Separate fixed assets in power plants

  • 1577 Natural resource tax brought forward

  • 2501 Payable natural resource tax, not offset

  • 2502 Land rent tax payable, not offset

  • 8301 Natural resource tax

  • 8302 Basic interest tax

Tax calculation

The tax calculation function contains a separate card Payable tax for hydroelectric power plants. This function retrieves values ​​from tax calculations carried out by the Tax Administration, which are shown on the separate card Tax calculation from the Skatteetaten.

At the bottom of this tab, accounting for tax expense is shown, where accounts entered show the desired tax amount, and automatic postings will adjust the account balance to match the amounts entered.

It is possible to override which tax cost is to be posted, so that you can have the tax cost that you have calculated posted in cases where the annual accounts have already been submitted.

Last modified September 20, 2024