Reconciliation of fixed assets

When you click on Reconciliation of fixed assets on the left side, a reconciliation model of the company's fixed assets is displayed on the right side. The model lists a Specification of estimated change of temporary differences. This includes entries from the company's depreciations, accounting profit/loss, profit/loss not entered in the profit/loss account, profit/loss entered in the profit/loss account and the difference between accounting and taxable cost. Estimated change in temporary differences according to specification is reconciled with RF-1217 item 3, column III Change in temporary differences.

Under Depreciationsthe model lists the following entries:

  • Accounting depreciations
  • Hereof depreciation on financial leasing
  • Impairment of fixed assets
  • Taxable depreciations
  • Taxable linear depreciations
  • Taxable depreciations power plant

Under Accounting profit/loss the model lists the following entries:

  • Accounting profit on sales
  • Accounting loss on sales

Under Profit/losses not entered in the profit-/loss account the model lists the following entries:

  • Sales amount directly entered as income in the year of realization, cf. The Tax Act § 14-44
  • Profit on non-depreciable fixed assets
  • Profit on linear depreciable fixed assets
  • Loss on non-depreciable fixed assets
  • Loss on linear depreciable fixed assets

Under Profit/losses entered in the profit-/loss account the model lists the following entries:

  • Profit on non-depreciable fixed assets
  • Profit on depreciable fixed assets
  • Negative balance goodwill
  • Loss on non-depreciable fixed assets
  • Loss on depreciable fixed assets

Under Difference between accounting - and taxable cost the model lists the following entries:

  • Tax-free investment subsidy
  • Input VAT adjustment
  • Reduction for adjustment of input VAT on sale
  • Diff. between the booked amount and the fair value at the time of the merger/demerger
  • Diff. tax values ​​and booked/fair value on conversion to limited company
  • Deduction for tax-free profit on transfer of assets to companies in the same group.
  • Addition for diff. between tax entry value and remuneration transferred from companies in the same group.
  • Activated fixed assets to be expensed for tax purposes
Last modified September 13, 2024