Beregning av driftsresultat

Calculation of operating profit/loss

Click on Operating income on the left side of the menu and the right side will display a specification of which operating income accounts that are booked in the financial statement.

If you hover over the amount field, you will see a menu icon where you can choose between Show accounts or Override amount. If you click Show all in the upper right corner of the screen, all income fields will appear.

The income fields correspond to Income statement 1, and the values are automatically transferred to relevant subjects in tax return for businesses.

Total operating income is transferred to the calculation on the left side. Approve the values ​​by clicking the symbol in the Done column.

Click on Operating expenses on the left side of the menu and the right side will display a specification of which operating expenses accounts that are booked in the financial statement.

If you hover over the amount field, you will see a menu icon where you can choose between Show accounts or Override amount. If you click Show all in the upper right corner of the screen, all expenses fields will appear.

The expenses fields correspond to Income statement 1, and values are automatically transferred to relevant subjects in tax return for businesses.

Total operating expenses is transferred to the calculation on the left side. Approve the values by clicking the symbol in the Done column.

The Operating profit/loss result is calculated on the left side in the menu.

Click Net capital income/expense on the left side of the menu and the right side will display a specification of which net capital income/expense accounts that are booked in the income statement.

If you hover over the amount field, you will see a menu icon where you can choose between Show accounts or Override amount. If you click Show all in the upper right corner of the screen, all expenses fields will appear.

The income/expense fields correspond to Income statement 1, and values are automatically transferred to relevant subjects in tax return for businesses.

Total net capital income/expense is transferred to the calculation on the left side. Approve the values by clicking the symbol in the Done column.

The Result sole proprietorship is calculated on the left side in the menu.

[]{#spouse_distribution}Distribution of business income between spouses and municipality

Spouses, registered partners and spouse equivalent cohabitants that have worked for the business during the income year can divide income from joint business between them.

Read more about spouse distribution at The Norwegian Tax Administration.

Distribution is activated by checking Spouse allocation under Year-end closing - Information and tax - Information - Company information.

Click on Business income and spouse distribution on the left side menu underBusiness income and the right side will display a specification of Result for Business and Assigned result for owner/spouse. Change the field Share to adjust distribution between spouses. It is also possible to select different municipality if needed.

Click on the -icon to go to the menu Personal income.

Last modified September 12, 2024