Business income and spouse distribution

Click on Business income and spouse distribution on the left side menu underBusiness income and the right side will display a specification of Result and assigned result for owner/spouse. Change the field Share to adjust distribution between spouses. It is also possible to select different municipality if needed.

Spouses, registered partners and spouse equivalent cohabitants that have worked for the business during the income year can divide income from joint business between them.

Read more about spouse distribution at The Norwegian Tax Administration.

Distribution is activated by checking Spouse distribution of income and / or wealth under Year-end closing - Information and tax - Information - Client information - Spouse allocation.

Share values across clients

By registering social security number on the owner and spouse and activate export of data in Client information - Spouse allocation on the main practitioner it is possible to share values from business income, personal income and wealth/debt across clients within the same accounting office. Go to Tax return - Values from spouse to fetch or edit data that has been made available from the spouse's client file.

Period & Year will find changes in the client file and display a warning in the left side menu in Tax return if newer data is available. Values can be updated by clicking on the button Fetch if values has not been updated automatically.

Click on the send-icon to go to the menu Personal income.

Last modified September 19, 2024