Personal income

Calculation of personal income

Click on the details tab in the menu to see the basis calculation of personal income. The value in Result proprietorship is transferred from the corresponding field under the tab Business Income.

The system retrieves Interest on the enterprise's debt to financial institutions included in the basis for the risk-free return automatically, based on the bookings in the financial statement.

If you hover over the amount field, you will see a menu icon where you can choose between Show accounts or Override amount. If you click on Show all in the upper right corner of the screen, all fields regarding basis calculations will appear.

If you scroll down on the page fields that are included in the calculation of the basis for risk-free return is displayed.

At the top of the calculation, fixed assets are listed, these are transferred from Tax-related depreciations, under the tab Information.

Further in the calculation, other items are shown as Non-depreciable operating equipment, Other acquired intangible rights, Capitalised research and development expenses, goods, Trade debtors and trade creditors.

If you hover over the amount field, you will see a menu icon where you can choose Override amount and edit if needed.

Calculation of debt deductions is done on the basis of booked values of debt accounts to financial institutions. If you hover over the amount field, you will see a menu icon where you can choose Override amount and edit if needed.

If the business has only been running partly of the year, enter the number of months in the formula to calculate a proportionate share of the basis for risk free-return.

Risk free-return and This years estimated personal income is calculated and displayed at the top of the page.

In Negative personal income transferred from last year the relevant value should be entered.

Calculated personal income of the year is calculated according to registered values.

The items under the details tab correspond to subjects related to personal income for sole proprietorship in business information.

Last modified September 12, 2024