Copying of appendices to future periods

You can choose to copy your appendices with or without data to a future period. The options for copying are found at the bottom right of each appendix.

The copying will occur when the period to which the appendices shall be copied is started.

Main appendix

  • Yes: all manually added rows will be copied to the next period.
  • No: no manually added rows will be copied.

Yes is the default option.

External appendix - period closing

  • Yes, with data (periodically ongoing): the appendix is copied to the next period with name, selected account, reconciliation amount and uploaded files.
  • Yes, with data (until year-end): the appendix is copied to the next period with name, selected account, reconciliation amount and uploaded files. Copying will proceed until the end of the current financial year.
  • Yes, with data only to year-end period: the appendix is copied to the year-end period (not the periods in between) with name, selected account, reconciliation amount and uploaded files.
  • Yes, without data (periodically ongoing): the appendix is copied to the next period with name and selected account.
  • Yes, without data (until year-end): the appendix is copied to the next period with name and selected account. Copying will proceed until the end of the current financial year.
  • No, do not copy: the appendix is not copied at all.

Yes, with data (periodically ongoing) is the default option.

External appendix - year-end closing

  • Yes, with data (periodically ongoing): the appendix is copied to the next period with name, selected account, reconciliation amount and uploaded files.
  • Yes, with data to next year-end period: the appendix is copied to the next year-end period (not the periods in between) with name, selected account, reconciliation amount and uploaded files.
  • Yes, without data (periodically ongoing): the appendix is copied to the next period with name and selected account.
  • Yes, without data to next year-end period: the appendix is copied to the next year-end period (not the periods in between) with name and selected account.
  • No, do not copy: the appendix is not copied at all.

Yes, with data (periodically ongoing) is the default option.

Other appendices - period closing

  • Yes, with data (periodically ongoing): the appendix is copied to the next period with name, selected account and all the information in the appendix.
  • Yes, with data (until year-end): the appendix is copied to the next period with name, selected account, reconciliation amount and uploaded files. Copying will proceed until the end of the current financial year.
  • Yes, without data (periodically ongoing): the appendix is copied to the next period with name and selected account.
  • Yes, without data (until year-end): the appendix is copied to the next period with name and selected account. Copying will proceed until the end of the current financial year.
  • No, do not copy: the appendix is not copied at all.

Yes, with data (periodically ongoing) is the default option.

Other appendices - year-end closing

  • Yes, with data (periodically ongoing): the appendix is copied to the next period with name, selected account and all the information in the appendix.
  • Yes, with data to next year-end period: the appendix is copied to the next year-end period (not the periods in between) with name, selected account and all information in the appendix.
  • Yes, without data (periodically ongoing): the appendix is copied to the next period with name and selected account.
  • Yes, without data to next year-end period: the appendix is copied to the next year-end period (not the periods in between) with name and selected account.
  • No, do not copy: the appendix is not copied at all.

Yes, with data (periodically ongoing) is the default option.

Copy appendices from previous period

Once an appendix has been copied and then updated in a previous period, it can be re-copied to the active period.

1. In the active period, go to the appendix that you want to update.

2. Select Copy previous.

3. In the dialog box that appears, answer Yes.

The appendix from the previous period will be copied and replace the appendix in the active period.

Last modified September 12, 2024