Trial balance

View imported trial balance, edit account settings, download trial balance to Excel or Finale Konsolidering.

In Year-end closing - Trial balance you will find a trial balance for this and last year. For each client account it is possible to see which reference account it is mapped to.

By hovering over the rows you will see a pen icon in the Editcolumn. If you click on this icon you will be able to edit the current mapping.

Select Show All to show all accounts.

You can download chart of accounts and trial balance to excel by clicking on the Download trial balance as excel –icon in the upper right corner.

It is also possible to download a text file supported for import to Finale konsolidering.

Field explanations

Client chart of accounts and Description

Client account plan with Account number and Account description.
Read more in Chart of accounts.

Reference account

Reference accounts that are currently mapped to the client accounts. If you wish to change these mappings, click on the edit icon to make your changes.


Open the dialog to edit your client account mapping.

Imported values

Imported values contain all imported balance values for this year.

Year-end postings

Year-end postings contains values posted through manual and/or system vouchers.

This year (Year)

This column contains the closing balance on the client account.

Last year (Year)

This column contains last year's closing balance.

Last modified September 12, 2024