Check settings

The settings for the automated checks in Period & Year are found under Transaction analysis - Check settings.

Period & Year comes with a set of default checks that are designed to search for deviations in the accounting data. The default checks cannot be changed or deleted. They can, however, be disabled. Default checks are marked with a padlock icon in the status column in the check settings view, so that they can be easily identified.

You can also add your own checks, and set them to look for different things, for example unusually high amounts, the right number of transactions or amounts above or below certain values.

To create your own check, click the button Create check and fill in the desired information.

All checks can be copied and disabled, but only the ones you have created yourself can be deleted. To perform either of these things, click the icon in the column Action and select desired action.

If you copy a disabled check, the new one will be enabled. By default all disabled checks will be hidden. You can choose to show disabled checks.

The following check types are available:

Unusually high number of transactions

Displays accounts that have an unusually high number of transactions for the current period compared with previous periods. When calculating unusually high number of transactions, an average combined with standard deviation is used. At least three accounting periods is required for this check type to calculate deviations.

Unusually high amounts

Displays transactions with unusually high amount for the current period compared with previous periods. When calculating unusually high amounts, an average combined with standard deviation is used. At least three accounting periods is required for this check type to calculate deviations.

Number of transactions compared to same period previous year

Compares the number of transactions in the current period with corresponding period previous year and detects accounts with deviations.

No transactions allowed

Checks that there are no transactions on the accounts that you have specified.

No transactions compared to previous period

Alerts when transactions are missing in the current period, if there were transactions in the previous period.

Transactions missing in the end of the period

Displays the last recorded transactions on the specified accounts and alerts if there are no recorded transactions in the last three days in the period.

Amount above or below value

Displays if transactions above or below a set value have been registered on the specified accounts.

Balance above or below value

Display accounts with balances above or below the defined value. Debit values are considered as positive and credit values as negative. For example the setting Credit lower than 5 000 will find balances below credit 5 000 and debit balances.

VAT check

Monitors that input and output VAT is recorded and with the correct amount. It is based on the settings in Client chart of accounts. When adding an account range, it is accounts with the settings creates input or output VAT that shall be specified.

Opening balance check

The check compares the opening balance for the current year with the closing balance for the previous year and alerts if deviations are detected.

Combination of accounts

Displays journal entries where accounts are in combination or not in combination, depending on the check setting.

Last modified September 19, 2024